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Soutien du chagrin
Doris Richards
Né àJamaica
78 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Séptembre 13, 2006
Séptembre 13, 2006
Passed away on September 13, 2006.
Séptembre 19, 2006

Doris Richards has been survived by six children, fifteen grandchildren, and countless great grandchildren.


Daughter- Marjorie Williams

Son-  Fenton Richards

Daughter- Beverly Richards

Daughter- Deeta Richards

Son- Clive Richards

Son- Gary Richards


Grandson- Everton Bryant

Grandson- Cardovan Dennis

Granddaughter- Ranah Williams

Granddaughter-Sara Ann Richards-Capillo

Granddaughter- Monique Drysdale

Granddaughter- Tesha Shea Whyte

Granddaughter- Charmenese Worrell

Granddaughter- Lisa Richards

Grandson- Everton Richards

Grandson- Lionel Richards

Grandson- jamal Richards


Great Grandchildren include Kadeem Bryan, Nathaniel Nelson, Mateo Richards-Capillo, and many more.

Doris Richards has joined her deceased husband, Clifford Richards, and deceased grandson Phillip Richards.